A few weeks ago I got tagged on Facebook with with a chain letter message. Unlike a typical chain letter, this one required me to fill in 25 things about myself that most people may not know, and then continue the chain by tagging my friends with my post. I had a lot of fun filling this out and thought it would be even more fun to share with you, 25 random things about me!
1. It's been more than 18 years and I still get a thrill out of training clients. I love seeing their lives change as a result of becoming more fit.
2. I believe in manifesting, karma, and intuition.
3. Lessons I learned at High School track practice still influence me today.
4. I grew up in "The OC".
5. Cindy Crawford was my first celebrity client, and we worked together for 15 years.
6. I used to eat Tom Ramen or Taco Bell Bean Burritos nearly everyday (fortunately, I got over this!).
7. I work at being motivated to exercise. I often remind myself of my motto, "You are only one workout away from a good mood", to get myself to the gym.
8. I love my dogs, Cody & Lexi, and feel so blessed to have them. They bring me joy each day.
9. Growing up, I owned a horse.
10. I love to surf, even though I'm afraid of waves over waist high, I am afraid of running into someone, I don't like seaweed and I freak out when fish touch me. In spite of these issues, I keep trying.
11. I prefer "1 on 1" or small groups rather than big parties or events.
12. Mexican food is my favorite!! I could eat it everyday.
13. I love Twitter! Twitter changed my life - follow me at
14. You will never find me at a horror movie. I don't even like seeing the commercials or trailers for them. They give me nightmares.
15. My parents had a small garden when I was a kid. I think it is so cool that I was able to watch things grow, pull them from the ground, and eat them for dinner. One Halloween, we planted the seed from our Jack O Lantern, and about 10 months later we have a gazillion pumpkins. We made pumpkin soup, pumpkin muffins,pumpkin pie, and more!
16. I am very proud to have created
The Valslide. This very simple exercise tool can add dozens of new exercises to your repertoire.
17. I love to read. Recent favorites are: The Outliers (by Malcom Gladwell), Force of Nature: Mind, Body, Soul (And, of Course, Surfing) (by Laird Hamilton), and Words That Work (by Frank Luntz)
18. I used to be a workaholic. I am so much happier and healthier since I cut back.
19. Kauai is my favorite place. One of my best friends owns a company called
Pure Kauai that provides luxury health and fitness services. I go at least once a year to surf and take in the beauty of the island.
20. I attend a lot of trainer conferences such as Perform Better, to learn new stuff, but also so that I can run with my tribe.
21. I love LA! I am truly a sunshine girl.
22. I stepped into a weight room for the first time at the age of 15. I haven't stopped lifting since!
23. As a trainer, the people who have inspired me the most are Mike Boyle, Alwyn Cosgrove, Gray Cook, and Mark Verstegen.
24. I have a love/hate relationship with Yoga. I love how good it makes me feel when I'm done, I love my instructor, and I know it's good for me. But, it is still torture while I'm there. I would rather be lifting weights.
25. Favorite Sundays go something like this: Wake up and have coffee, walk the dogs, go surfing, take a hot shower, eat a mexican breakfast, crawl back into bed and read/nap (Cody & Lexi like this part too!), go to farmers market, go to yoga, see a movie with a friend.